About Me

I care deeply about the world and I enjoy being alive.

This blog is where I’d like to codify ideas I find interesting, questions I have, interests I’m developing and experiences I’d like to document. It’s also where you can get to know me should you decide to look me up independently.

It’s also a pretty good sandbox in which to shelter any tentative projects or pursuits that I may harbour outside of work.

I work in quantitative finance, I’m based in London, UK, and I’m interested in everything from Jazz to Deadlifting to East African politics. I may not know much about most things, but I don’t think it’s inaccurate to say I’m earnestly interested in them.

I largely label the activities (that I publicly admit to, anyway) by two themes: moral and aesthetic. For my attempts at the former, you can check out the Cause Guides. Everything else on this website is concerned with the rest.